CIRB partners meeting

We christened the new offices yesterday with a day long meeting for the CIRB partners and prospective partners should CIRB 2 proceed. By the afternoon session we had 14 people in the downstairs meeting room which was too many for the size of table we have but the room...

Spreading Knotweed on Marchburn

Despite our best efforts, we still come across instances where poor practice is likely to have caused Japanese Knotweed to spread. I’ve moaned about verge cutting in the past and this still continues seemingly unabated. Gordon last week visited the Marchburn...

Spray training and examinations

Meryl arranged for her Carrick volunteers to receive NPTC PA6AW training on the 17th and 18th of the month. Her candidates were well prepared for the examinations that got underway today and by the time I left the office, I heard that several had successfully...

Himalayan Balsam success

This year we attempted to widen our balsam control to assess the effectiveness of different techniques but unfortunately by the time the contracts were awarded and the winners notified, the balsam was beginning to set seed so rather than experiment with strimming and...