Giant hogweed developing

Giant hogweed is developing along the rivers slightly earlier than last year and we estimate the onset of spring is at least 2 week ahead of last year. I checked the worst infested areas on the lower Ayr this morning following last year’s in-house control of key...

Giant Hogweed Control – 10 years on

There are always lessons to learn from everything we do and while we’ve felt that we are making progress with controlling Giant Hogweed in Ayrshire, 2018 will go down as a difficult and disappointing year as for the first time since 2011, The Irvine and Garnock...

Another busy day…

As ever yesterday was a busy day at the Trust with the daily smolt trap check at Catrine only producing a single salmon smolt. After finishing up at Catrine it was off to do see how our habitat restoration on the Culroy Burn had faired over winter. We took a few alder...

Another American Signal Crayfish turns up

A year on from  when we found a large claw and 1 3/4 years since we caught the only other living crayfish trapped in Ayrshire, last week, another specimen turned up on the same watercourse just about 1/2 mile downstream. This again was a large animal about 8″...