Pre Tender Meeting and Tenders now available

Our tenders have now been verified and are available to download below. We have rearranged the Pre-Tender meeting to take place on Monday 20th February 2012. This will be in at ART offices which are located in the Engineering Department, Donald Hendrie Building,...

CIRB Pre Tender Meeting Postponed

Our tender meeting which was arranged for Monday 13th February at 1.30pm has been postponed. Our tender documents are with Queens University Belfast and SEUPB (EU) will be verifying them this Friday 10th February. Once we hear that the tender documents are verified we...

Island Invasion

Following an interesting call from a member of the Arran Community Council, I’ve arranged to attend a meeting on the 29th of this month to talk  about Japanese Knotweed and its control. The community is increasingly concerned about the spread of this invasive...

Invasive Species Seminars

Yesterday, ART delivered two seminar events to East Ayrshire Council. Commencing at 8.30am in the Lesser Town Hall, Cumnock, East Ayrshire staff were given an insight into managing Non Native Invasive Weeds and Biosecurity. Chris Horril from RAFTs was on hand to talk...