Farewell and Good Luck to Muir!

After seven years of service we bid fairwell to Muir Glendinning a week or so ago. In his time at the Trust, Muir was involved in all aspects of Trust life, dealing with everything from INNPS control to fresh water pearl mussel surveys as well as project development...

Next Stinchar DSFB meeting

The Clerk to the Stinchar DSFB has announced the date of the next DSFB meeting as below:   NOTICE OF MEETING RIVER STINCHAR SALMON FISHERY BOARD Date of Meeting: Thursday 28 April, 2022 Venue: Minuntion, Pinmore, By Girvan Time: 3.30pm Meeting Type: Board...

River Doon AGM

NOTICE OF ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING You are hereby given formal notice of the Annual Public Meeting of the River Doon District Salmon Fishery Board: DATE:                              Thursday 28 April 2022 TIME:                                7:30pm MEETING TYPE:...