Here’s Bradley

With Ian’s permission, we have a couple more photos of Bradley to share. Gillian and Bradley are both doing fine and will be home very soon. I can hardly wait to see them both. You’re a star Gillian but Bradley outshines even you. Well done.

Techniques to cut erosion

Gordon and I stopped off at Kilkerran yesterday to see how the bank reinforcements were holding up following the high water levels much of this winter. The problems with erosion at Kilkerran arose after the river was straightened many years ago. As normally happens...


In the last couple of years we have been frustrated by lack of progress to remove barriers in Ayrshire. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing options for, and assessing 3 weirs in Stewarton that we hoped to have removed with the assistance of SEPA and the...

Afloat at Caaf

We returned to Caaf again today to attempt to gather the samples for health checks. This time we were able to launch our inflatable and set a few gill nets in the hope of catching a few wee trout. We also were equipped with a down scanning sonar and fish finder to...

Caaf Reservoir a week on

Following last weeks attempt to catch a few fish to health check at Caaf reservoir, I headed back there today with Rita to check a few things. George Leslie Ltd have completed the works to improve sediment management during the drawdown and ongoing contract to remove...

Maternity Leave

Gillian our long serving biologist finished work today and is now on maternity leave until January 2016. Gillian’s baby is due in the next 2 -3 weeks and has done well to continue working  for as long. As ever, Gillian took things within her stride and never...