Easter Monday

The Trust staff don’t really take fixed holidays unless someone desperately wants them, (Christmas and New year being the exception), so this morning it was work as usual. A new member of staff joined the team today so it was nice to be able to welcome Muir...


It’s been a bad week for pollution with three separate incidents that we are aware of. The first was the incident on the Kilmarnock Water last Tuesday evening which resulted in trout and possibly salmon being killed. SEPA attended and traced the problem to a...

Fenwick Water Polluted Again

I think this is the 3rd successive year that fish have been killed on the Fenwick Water from pollution. SEPA informed the Trust yesterday that there had been a localised incident on the river that resulted in a number of fish (presumed to be trout) dying....

Poll results

We ran an online poll on out Facebook page to gauge opinion on questions loosely related to the Scottish Government’s consultation on their proposals to introduce mandatory catch and release without a licence and a carcass tagging system. There were a few...

Fish Barriers

In preparation for the Caaf Reservoir fish rescue and the Smolt Project at Loch Doon, our volunteer Rita has been rigging the screen nets ready for these important projects we are about to deliver. It’s a slow process joining 50m rolls of netting and cable tying...