An interesting day out on the Ayr

Following heavy rain overnight, the River Ayr was in spate as we headed out to collect more temperature data from the loggers in the upper catchment. We headed straight to Glenbuck and downloaded data from the very top of the catchment. When we were there I took Muir...

Temperature data loggers

Nearly one year on from when we installed temperature data loggers across the river Ayr catchment to assess long term changes in water temperatures driven by Global Warming, we returned today to download the data. Unfortunately the rain was pelting down and this...

Caaf Reservoir pollution

Following the silt pollution over the weekend that arose from Caaf Reservoir, I can update concerned anglers with the latest information that I have. We visited the site this morning to find the flow has now been cut totally to the Caaf to prevent further silt being...

Garnock Pollution

Over the weekend, I received several calls regarding pollution on the Garnock arising from the Caaf Reservoir. This has been reported to SEPA who are investigating what occurred that led to such a heavy silt loading. Obviously this incident is linked to the drawdown...

Large Woody Debris

I make no apologies for another post following the Woody Debris/ green engineering theme and there will more to follow as work progresses on the Culroy Burn later this summer. Last year Kilkerran Estate took steps to protect two rapidly eroding banks using green...