Skeldon Mill Hydro commences work

Work on the Skeldon Hydro Scheme commenced yesterday and contractors quickly cleared the debris and undergrowth that encroached on the intake lade. Once they complete this, they will be installing new smolt screens upstream of the penstock and then clearing the silt...

Loch Doon Dam: Essential Works

Essential maintenance will take place at Loch Doon Dam on Tuesday the 10th of May. This will mean that the compensation flow will be cut between the hours of 10am and 2pm. Extra water will be released before and after the works to compensate for the loss of...

Kilkerran Bank Stabilisation Event

What a great day to be out on any river, enjoying the fresh air, the sunshine, the atmosphere, the company of friends and colleagues, and doing something to benefit both river and river users. While we never expected a great rush of willing anglers to come along and...