Doon Fencing update

We are still continuing with erecting riparian fencing as and when our fencer is available. Riparian fencing can make all the difference to water and habitat quality and the images below illustrate just how effective it can be. By excluding livestock, bank stability...

Light at the end of the tunnel?

The Culroy Burn has been the focus of much attention in an effort to reduce the sediment entering the Doon and improve spawning success in the burn. There’s always been some difficulty getting landowner support for one stretch in particular but after a very...

Kilmarnock Water fish passage

We received design drawings of a rock ramp fish pass for consultation from Scottish Water today and nipped up to Cheapside Street in Kilmarnock to cast fresh eyes over the weir and drawings. We first highlighted the issues over the partial collapse of this weir when...

Upper Irvine Erosion

Following up on the SEPA’s demonstration event of last Autumn where we attended to offer support to SEPA’s engineering team and advice to farmers over green engineering techniques, Muir and I revisited the Upper Irvine site which continues to suffer...

Muck Water follow up

Since installing the first 30+ tonnes of boulders at the Muck Water in an attempt to improve the habitat, particularly for salmon, we returned over the last two days to seek opinions from Glasgow University specialists in river engineering and a SEPA hydro...