Loch Doon tributary pH monitoring

Following recent rain I was back up at Loch Doon today to continue our pH monitoring on a number of the tributaries that enter the loch. A couple of our monitoring sites require a walk out across some rough, tussocky hills. Everyone else in the office suddenly had...

Rivers and lochs in the classroom

The ‘Rivers and lochs in the classroom’ project is a four year project which will be delivered to primary schools across the regions surrounding the Clyde Estuary. The project will be delivered by Ayrshire Rivers Trust, the Clyde River Foundation and Loch...

Carrick Education Project

We have now completed the first part of the Carrick Education Project which was delivered to ten primary schools across the Carrick area. The project focuses on introducing primary school pupils to their local stretch of river. Funded by Carrick Futures, Hadyard Hill...

River Doon DSFB meeting

Apologies for the late notice with this but I’ve had some issues with signing into the blog pages lately that are now resolved. The next Doon DSFB meeting will take place on Friday 4th November at Fraser Coogans Office, 46 Dalblair Road, Ayr  at 3.00pm. This is...

River Stinchar DSFB Meeting

Apologies for the late notice with this but I’ve had some issues with signing into the blog pages lately that are now resolved.   The next Stinchar DSFB meeting will take place on Thursday 3rd November at Minuntion at 4.00pm. This is a public meeting and...