Slurry pollution hits the Water of Fail…again

Lunchtime and a call came in to the office about foam on the Water of Fail at Failford. It was shortly followed by another stating that it looked like slurry. Gordon and Struan were on their way back from schools in Cumnock so I called them and asked then to check on...

Willow spilling revisited

We paid the middle Girvan a quick visit this morning to check on the willow bank reinforcements we installed last April along with our volunteers. This stretch of the river was suffering from severe erosion and we arranged the demonstration event to show anglers how...

Willow/Earth Auger Trial

For the tree planting portion of our Carrick River and Tree Planting Education Project we have bought an Earth Auger (petrol powered earth drill) to help dig the holes for the stakes and the trees that we will be planting with school pupils. This will ensure that...

Wild Fisheries Reform

Today, Scottish Government announced a U Turn in their reform plans. They may not describe it as a U Turn but that’s how it appears. Read the latest in their press release by following this link Their plans to abolish...