Kingswell Burn Fish Rescue

This morning Gillian, Muir and myself were at the Kingswell Burn just downstream of Soames Fishery to carry out a fish rescue for Scottish Water. Following a site induction on Monday morning we decided that the rain was just to heavy to electrofish in….. health...

Adders abound!

Over the last few weeks we have been up at Loch Doon on a daily basis checking our smolt trap. An increasingly common site are adders (we’ve seen one every day this week). Adders are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and are a UK Biodiversity...

Kayak Training Day

Today was the Kayak training day. Four of us headed to Castle Semple Loch this morning to go through some Kaya safety training to ensure Health and Safety compliance when performing bird counts on the rivers. Unfortunately we had to leave Gillian behind manning the...

Catrine Smolt Trap on the river Ayr

Smolt trapping to assess the effectiveness of migration at the Catrine Dam Hydro system well underway, so far there not been many fish in the trap. This new and until recently untested trap is not a conventional design and getting smolts into the trap has been easier...

Smolt Trapping

Another busy day today with 2 smolt traps in action at present. That’s quite a commitment from a small organisation such as ART as the two traps are approximately 30 miles apart and each requires a daily visit from the team. The Loch Doon trap isn’t likely...