Culroy Burn at Culroy revisited.

We fenced this section of the burn a couple of years ago and used green engineering to stabilise what was very rapid and severe erosion. This was driven by livestock accessing the burn and margins and led to instability and loss of tonnes of soil from the field. Our...

Loch Doon Fish Pass Counter

On Tuesday we were at Loch Doon to carry out a clean of the Vaki fish counter. Cleaning the Vaki ensures the scanning plates which produce the silhouettes and counts the number fish are not obscured with algae which can grow on the plate surface or debris such as...

Dyrock Burn – Balsam Bash!

The Trust is looking to hold a balsam bash on the Dyrock in the next couple of weeks. Currently balsam on the Dyrock is at a low level with occasional larger stands present. With the help of a few volunteers we should be able to clear the burn of this plant. Doing so...