River Categorisation for 2018

With the fishing season well underway and the realistic prospect of a fish now, I thought it would be worth while reminding all anglers what the Scottish Government has categorised each Ayrshire river and what this means for the angler on the river. Ayr Category 3...

Smolts Galore!

We’ve been kept busy at the smolt trap over the last couple of days. With many hundred passing through now we’ve been starting the first mark, release, recapture trials to assess the percentage of the migrating population passing through the trap.      ...

Smolt trapping at Catrine

  Over the weekend it appeared as though the smolt run was really starting to build with 26 and then 57 on Saturday and Sunday respectively. Following a small rise in water levels overnight and upwards of 50 fish in the trap yesterday morning, Muir and I headed...

Doon hatchery stocking

The Doon DSFB asked for our assistance to stock some of their fry out in the upper catchment. While we remain unconvinced of the results and real benefits of of hatchery stocking, there can at times be justification for it and if it’s done properly, should...

Another busy day…

As ever yesterday was a busy day at the Trust with the daily smolt trap check at Catrine only producing a single salmon smolt. After finishing up at Catrine it was off to do see how our habitat restoration on the Culroy Burn had faired over winter. We took a few alder...