Tarbolton Landfill in Liquidation

Following the operator of Tarbolton Landfill going into voluntary liquidation on the 13th June, concerns have risen over leachate from the site that may be entering the Water of Fail and the River Ayr system. Apparently, there are concerns over the nature of materials...

Middle Girvan Green Engineering

2 years and one month on from when we first installed willow spiling at our green bank engineering sites on the Girvan, we have completed everything we planned to do and achieved almost all our intended results. The demonstration sites will continue to improve over...

Smolts affected by Fungal infection

As regular readers will be aware, we’ve been monitoring smolt movements on the River Ayr through Catrine dam in a custom built fish pass and by-wash for several weeks now. Recently, the number of fish we’ve seen with fungal infection prompted us to call in...

Smolts at Catrine

There were a few more smolts active at Catrine this morning. They were taking grannoms and midges from the surface or at least trying to. It is a hit or a miss to capture these images and you really need to have polaroids on to see the fish coming before they rise and...

Bird Count for the Girvan

With water levels up slightly, Struan and Muir set about the Girvan Bird count today while Gillian and myself went to the smolt trap at Catrine. Of course they needed their vehicle moved downstream to their finishing point, so after we closed the trap on the Ayr, we...