MSS Publish Plans to Gather Catch Effort Data

Last week, Marine Scotland announced their intention to collect rod effort data from fisheries in 2019 (for salmon only). While we agree the catch per unit effort would be extremely beneficial to understanding salmon runs, collecting the necessary data is likely to...

Shark attack or something less sinister?

We received a report of a dead cetacean along Newton shore at Ayr today. Gillian is a marine and freshwater biologist so she and I headed to have a look. Apparently it has been on the beach since Friday and the carcass has deteriorated over the weekend as to be...

Landward covers Salmon Farming

Last night, BBC2’s Landward screened an episode examining the performance of salmon farms in Scotland. I watched the programme with interest along with thousands of anglers concerned about the impact these salmon farms are having on wild Atlantic Salmon stocks...