Trout rising to the hatch

We often hear complaints that there are no trout in the Ayr despite what we would consider to be a reasonably healthy population. The calls we hear in support of stocking aren’t unique to the Ayr and it seems this strategy is the first option for some clubs and...

The first spate in May takes the smolts away

Total rainfall so far in May is just 2.4 mm (recorded in the middle reaches of the Ayr catchment). April had a total of 16.6 mm. Since the 18th March we’ve had a total of 24.9 mm or just over 1″ of rain. This isn’t good news for smolts that are...

Smolts in the lade at Catrine 2020

I filmed a large number of smolts in the lade at Catrine on Sunday 3rd May. Typically we are bang in the middle of the salmon smolt migration period and also typically, we are short of water as there’s only been 18mm of rain in the middle of the Ayr catchment...

Catrine bywash upgraded

The long awaited upgrade to the bywash at Catrine Dam was completed a couple of weeks ago just in time for the anticipated smolt run. This new bywash will function along with the old one that didn’t appear to be particularly attractive to smolts migrating...

Doon DSFB Triennial Elections UPDATED

Despite the current ‘lock down’ restrictions, the Doon DSFB must continue to meet the legislative requirements of a District SalmonFishery Board and are thus unable to delay this meeting until a later date. Triennial Doon Meeting.  The details are as...