Cloyntie Burn in the Girvan catchment

Another burn and another culvert that causes problems; the Cloyntie Burn in the Girvan catchment is a tributary of the Burnton Burn, a tributary of the Lady Burn joining the Girvan upstream of Kilkerran. We survey this burn periodically and have found salmon upstream...

Carradale Fish Farm Incident

Here is a link to Fishery Management Scotland’s web site where they provide the latest updates on the massive escape of farmed salmon into theFirth of Clyde. ART staff are working closely with FMS and DSFBs and other Trust to minimise the impacts of this...

Pollution incident kills fish

I don’t want to say too much here as we await SEPA’s response to a pollution incident that occurred in the Girvan catchment yesterday but what I can reveal is that a large number of trout and juvenile salmon have been killed in a tributary. The source of...

Turnberry Fish Rescue

The Milton Burn at Turnberry was the focus of our fish rescue yesterday. Reputedly a sea trout burn, we had little data from this burn in the lower reaches so it was an interesting experience regardless of a rather poor result. W & A Gilbert contractors working...