Eel Migration on the River Doon.

Follow this link to watch numerous eels try to ascend a steep weir on the River Doon. With numbers of eels in serious decline across Scotland and Europe every barrier has an impact; depletion the fish of energy,...

Seasonal vacancy (Part-time)

Ayrshire Rivers Trust require a seasonal worker to assist with all aspects of our summer work programme. Details of our activities may be found on our web page or our Facebook page . Candidates...

Mill Glen Reservoir Fish removal

We were contracted by Scottish Water to remove as many fish as possible from Mill Glen Reservoir near Ardrossan as it was due for decommissioning. Obviously such works first require a license from MSS and also some preparatory investigation to establish which species...

Next Girvan DSFB Meeting 

NOTICE OF MEETING   RIVER GIRVAN DISTRICT SALMON FISHERY BOARD Date of Meeting:                                 Wednesday 2nd June, 2021 Venue:                                                Zoom Meeting...

Nethermills Hydro Scheme on the Ayr

A temporary fish pass has been approved by SEPA and built by the contractor’s working at Nethermills. Over the weekend, after receiving SEPA’s consent, Bailey’s team constructed the timber fish pass in Bolton and brought it with them on Monday when...