PIT tagging salmon

As part of the management project focusing on identifying migration and survival issues in the Doon catchment above Loch Doon dam, we were there this afternoon to capture salmon parr and pre smolts then insert Passive Integrated Transponders (PIT Tags). We would...

Sinchar DSFB Meeting

The Clerk to the River Stinchar District Salmon Fishery Board has requested that we publish the date of the next meeting. Details are provided below. Date of Meeting:                                                             Thursday 3rd March, 2016...

Stinchar pollution and problems

It’s a bad sign when the River Stinchar is suffering from pollution incidents on a regular basis and very worrying when we see fish numbers falling in some areas, possibly as a result. It’s not just pollution that causes concern and we do see other...

Catrine update.

The new deflector appears to have helped slightly but more needs done in my opinion. I filmed the top baffle in the fish pass for an hour and a quarter this afternoon in a falling water when salmon would normally be expected to be running and indeed were, with a...