MSS Publish Plans to Gather Catch Effort Data

Last week, Marine Scotland announced their intention to collect rod effort data from fisheries in 2019 (for salmon only). While we agree the catch per unit effort would be extremely beneficial to understanding salmon runs, collecting the necessary data is likely to...

Smolts at Catrine

There were a few more smolts active at Catrine this morning. They were taking grannoms and midges from the surface or at least trying to. It is a hit or a miss to capture these images and you really need to have polaroids on to see the fish coming before they rise and...

River Categorisation for 2018

With the fishing season well underway and the realistic prospect of a fish now, I thought it would be worth while reminding all anglers what the Scottish Government has categorised each Ayrshire river and what this means for the angler on the river. Ayr Category 3...

Smolts Galore!

We’ve been kept busy at the smolt trap over the last couple of days. With many hundred passing through now we’ve been starting the first mark, release, recapture trials to assess the percentage of the migrating population passing through the trap.      ...