22lb Irvine Salmon

First of all, I have to emphasise that this  post isn’t designed to chastise an angler for killing a hen salmon in October or November but rather to make sure simple misconceptions don’t lead to similar incidents occurring in future. Of course it is an...

Bailiff Training

Bailiff training got underway this evening with 17 candidates attending our offices to learn the finer points of bailiffing and how to get through the exam. Jim Henderson from the Nith DSFB generously gave his time to share his knowledge of the profession and to...

Irvine Weirs

We met with SEPA today to identify priorities for restoration funding in the Irvine catchment. SEPA are required to improve all aspects of our rivers under The Water Framework Directive where they are less than good ecological status. They are actively working with...


I’m on holiday this week but I received a call this morning to say there were a few salmon running Catrine Dam so I headed over to see for myself. At this time of year we often hear calls for an extension to the salmon season as fish seem to be running the river...

Upper Ayr pollution

Gordon and I headed to the upper Ayr catchment today to see if we could see trout spawning or any salmon moving into burns but on the whole we were too early. We walked the Ponesk right through the opencast site and into the old channel above. We saw an occasional...

Superhuman effort

We are still waiting for the council to instruct the contractor to make repairs to Burnawn fish pass. Meanwhile, members of Galston Angling Club, frustrated by the delay decided to attempt the impossible and clear the bottom end of the fish pass manually. There was...