Kilmarnock Water

Scorching hot weather only means one thing… we are out of the office! I took Helen to the Fenwick Water today to assess the impact of the pollution incident a couple of months ago. We fished two sites, one upstream of the pollution source and the other at the...

Mayfly hatch

I walked the dogs at Barskimming Mill this evening and there were a lot of trout rising in the Nursery Pool and Mill stream. The water looked terrible with that awful greenish tinge that appears during low water that is a symptom of iron from past and present mining...

Our poor fish!

After a long day I thought it would be worth a quick visit to Nethermills Dams to see what birds were about. I fully expected a cormorant or two to be fishing at the dams but not this evening. There was however a heron, seagulls and a pair of goosanders. Gordon and I...

Auchendrane Weir

We made the most of the good weather today undertaking essential surveys that we had hoped to complete last year but couldn’t due to the weather. Gillian and Helen headed to the Upper Doon surveying for Pearl Mussels while Gordon and I headed to Auchendrane to...

More Bailiffs pass their exams

I’m pleased to announce that another 6 new bailiffs will soon be out patrolling our rivers after passing the IFM Bailiff exams in March. Anyone interested in becoming a bailiff should contact their board, club or ART’s office to arrange suitable training...

Pundeavon Survey Day 2

After deciding that the fish were tight to the bottom following yesterdays results, we set the majority of the nets deep overnight. First light this morning we were back on site to check our  catch. We were beaten to the water by a lone fisherman who was already...