Bio-security and fisheries

In light of the disease outbreak that forced a local fishery to shut until the problem is rectified, we are keen to see all fisheries (river and still-waters) operating in Ayrshire improve bio security measures at their waters. As a simple precautionary measure, all...

Catrine Dam, works under way

After years in the development and planning, work to stabilise Catrine Dam and improve the fish pass is now under way.   I met with SEPA, CCT and the contractors this morning to discuss concerns I highlighted last week over the altered flow down the fish pass. We...

Doon Freshet

Following a request from the Doon DSFB, we arranged through SEPA and Scottish Power for an artificial freshet to help flush smolts down the river and out to sea. The compensation flow normally stands at 45million gallons per day and this has been increased over a 48...