Just a reminder that our AGM will be held tomorrow evening (Wednesday 19th Feb 2014) at 6.00pm. The meeting will take place in the new office at 1 Gibbs Yard, Auchincrive, KA6 5HW. (Enter Auchincrive campus in the traditional way and at the junction, turn right and...

CIRB project – PA6AW Training 2014

As part of the CIRB  project we have trained over 30 volunteers to PA6AW level (safe use of pesticides). This qualification allows the operator to use a knapsack sprayer to apply chemical and in our case treat Invasive Non Native Plant Species (INNPS) around water....

River Ayr District Salmon Fishery Board meeting

The next River Ayr District Salmon Fishery Board meeting will take place on the 25th February at 7.00pm in CKD Galbraith’s offices at 7 Killoch Place, Ayr, KA7 2EA This meeting is open to the public however they will not be able to contribute to the...


The Trust will hold it’s AGM at the new offices on Wednesday the 19th February at 6.00pm, 1 Gibbs Yard, Auchincruive. The meeting will include a brief summary of the previous year by the Biologists and a few words from William Stafford, ART’s Chairman. The...

CIRB partners meeting

We christened the new offices yesterday with a day long meeting for the CIRB partners and prospective partners should CIRB 2 proceed. By the afternoon session we had 14 people in the downstairs meeting room which was too many for the size of table we have but the room...