The Muck Water, Dalmellington

We ended the day on the lower Muck Water at Dalmellington where we placed boulders in the site a few years ago to try and improve the habitat for salmon and trout. Placing boulders is not something we recommend due to SEPA CAR regulations however when done carefully,...

Timed Electrofishing 2020

The third week in July is the week we always commence timed electrofishing surveys across the 4 District Salmon Fishery Board controlled rivers. We do this as part of the work we deliver for the DSFBs annually and it’s a rapid assessment of spawning success as...


We have been very fortunate to have had Ethan amongst other regular volunteers (Lyndsey and Fraser) out helping us over the last several weeks and unfortunately for us he heads back to University next week so yesterday was his last day. We’re very grateful to Ethan...