Invasive weeds update

ART has now resurveyed the River Doon and are preparing maps to illustrate the reduction in Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam along the length of the river. Both species have reduced since we commenced control in 2010 so all in all a good result but we...

Airport Attack

After a fair bit of negotiation with Glasgow Prestwick Airport, ART finally gained access to spray the few giant hogweed plants that had developed within the perimiter fence. The Ladykirk Burn and the Sandyford Burn meet on the east side of the airfield before being...

Giant Hogweed in Flower

A large stand of Giant Hogweed exists in a small patch of woodland opposite Dobbies Garden Centre at Ayr. Despite being some distance from the river we didn’t feel that we could allow this to develop further untreated as it is spreading from here in all...