Kilmarnock Water Fish Rescue

Fish rescues are an increasingly common aspect to Trust life and a crucial part of developer’s workflows when working in and around water. Recently we completed a rescue on the Kilmarnock Water ahead of bankside repairs near a footpath. The workers onsite were...

Trustee Advertisment

Would you like to play a part in helping to lead an important Ayrshire charity? The Ayrshire Rivers Trust (the Trust) is a leading environmental charity. The aims of the Trust are to promote and support initiatives designed to conserve, enhance and develop our...

Red Skin Disease

Whilst Ayrshire’s salmon haven’t been badly affected by red skin disease (RSD), we would encourage anglers to remain vigilant for any signs of RSD and to report any fish showing symptoms to ourselves as well as Fishery Management Scotland (FMS) and Fish Health...

Farewell and Good Luck to Muir!

After seven years of service we bid fairwell to Muir Glendinning a week or so ago. In his time at the Trust, Muir was involved in all aspects of Trust life, dealing with everything from INNPS control to fresh water pearl mussel surveys as well as project development...