Kilkerran on the Girvan will be the venue for our bank stabilisation event this coming Saturday at 10am (16/04/16). All are welcome and the aim is to show anglers how simple green methods can be used to reduce erosion. Of course at such large erosion points as at Kilkerran, these techniques may at first appear to be too little to have any effect but that why we wanted to show what has already been achieved in the last 2 seasons.

On area at Kilkerran where we hope to reinstate some spilling that was washed away recently in the winter spates.

On area at Kilkerran where we hope to reinstate some spilling that was washed away recently in the winter spates. Behind the spilling that remains, there’s been a large build up of sediment which helps protect the banks from further erosion.

The Trust staff have been out cutting willow today for use on Saturday. We should finish cutting and bundling it tomorrow in time for Saturday.

Trying the cut willow into faggots for transport.

Trying the cut willow into faggots for transport. They can be used as a bundle or for willow spilling as we plan for Saturday.